Electric Scooter Motors

Get this wrong with your lovely new electric scooter and you could have some serious problems down the line. Your electric scooter’s motor is at the heart of your new ride and this guide will help you avoid all the pitfalls that are easy to make.

Why does the motor matter?

Getting a scooter with an inferior drive means you could have:

  • Will I make it? It’s a bit embarrassing if your scooter struggles to get up the smallest of hills. Sure, you can hope off and get some exercise, but a good motor shouldn’t struggle with simple hills and bumps.

Motor size

What size motor should I go for?

That’s a simple stat to work with. For everyday use, make sure you go for one with a minmum of 500w.

Front and rear motors?

What’s this brushless business?

How fast can I go?

Picking the right motor for your needs